Own Formula Setup
An option to add a new column and setup user’s own formula. This helps in creating
user defined risk report.
Some Reports Available in LD-Rakshak Login Screen
A User has to select the Firm & give the user Name & Password to proceed.
Risk Monitoring Report
LD Rakshak generates Risk monitoring report in live during market hour. User
would come to know in this report the total risk which is involved in financing
each and every client and would be in position to take appropriate action.
Commodity Market Dash Board
User can view Client wise commodity Position including his MTM, SPAN Margin, Net
Dr. Cr. and guide their client to take a call on the same.
Client’s Cash Net Position
User can view Client wise cash net Position including his opening stock details.
Market Watch Statistics
User can view Position of Cash, Currency and Derivatives segment for Client wise,
Branch Wise and Scrip Wise of Current Day’s or Selected criteria.
Short Sales Statistics
User can view Only Short Sale Client’s Positions of Cash, Currency and Derivatives
segment for Client wise, Branch Wise and Scrip Wise of Current Day’s or Selected
PS03 Position File
User can view his client’s position of all Derivatives segment , Exchange wise,
including his M2M and obligations.
Client Turnover
User can view Client wise Turnover Reports as per selected Criteria.
Cash Intra Day Position
User can monitor live MTM in case of Cash segment where booked MTM and un- booked
MTM is clearly visible.
Transaction Register
User can view his client’s transaction Register of all segment as per selected criteria.
FO Utilization
User can view his client’s FO Utilization of all Derivatives segment including M2M,
Collateral, SPAN, and Net Dr. Cr. as per selected criteria.
SPAN Margin Comparison
User can compare his client’s SPAN Margin with previous day’s SPAN Margin.
Option M2M
User can view his client’s only option position’s M2M details for currency and Derivative
Client Follow up
User can view LIVE his client’s follow up report which is sent by RMS department
on daily basis.
Long Short Positions
User can view his client’s Long and Short positions in ALL derivative segment as
per selected criteria.
Branch Wise Summary
User can view Branch / Franchisee wise summary including M2M and Ledger and also
can view client wise position as per selected criteria.
Limit Update to CTCL Software
An option to update Limit to CTCL Software of user’s choice. The branch request
for extra limit for a particular client. The RMC person at H.O. approves or disapproves
the limit. The Limit once approved / disapproved goes to the CTCL Admin Server and
a secondary message goes to the branch.
Client Snap Shot link with LD Client Level Software
As LD-Rakshak software is linked with LD Client Level Software. The client when
he logs in during market hours would be able to view his position across finance
/ cash market / derivatives market with current span margin information. This would
be very useful to all clients as they can also see up-to-date portfolio position
and mark to market position and their margin position.
Live Ledger Position
User can view Live Ledger Position + Forthcoming Dr/Cr during live Market hours.
In LD-Rakshak Notional Bill of all exchange is prepared every second and the RMS
in-charge is informed about the forthcoming debit / credit per trade basis without
processing anything. Also user can view LAS Client details.
Minimum Span
User can view Live Span and Exposure margin for a single lot so that user will come
to know that margin to be collected from a client.
Margin Shortfall Penalty
LD-Rakshak would gives user live report as and when the trade takes place as to
the total amount of penalty that would be levied as per the position taken. A sample
report is attached for your reference. The system would also be geared up to send
sms at regular interval to client as to the penalty that they have to bear for the
Scrip Client Circuit Information
User can view Client wise scrip wise Circuit details. This will help the user to
know which scrip is near to the Upper/Lower Circuit. And guide their client to take
a call on the same.
Client Scrip net position
User can view Client wise scrip wise Net Position for his Entire Clients. This will
help the user to know MTM and upcoming Dr./ Cr. details of Every Clients on his
outstanding Positions and guide their client to take a call on the same.
Margin Calculator
User can view Current span margin and exposure margin for multiple scrips with Existing
span, Span with alone (New span) and Span add to Above (Existing plus new position).
A complete SPAN Calculator is in-build.
Client Pure Risk
The client’s actual risk is displayed in this report. The Pure risk / net available
details along with projected risk is displayed.
Broadcast in LD-Rakshak
For Span margin shortfall the system would send sms to the client every x minute
automatically. You need not send the same manually.
You can configure the broadcast server to automatically send a sms to the registered
mobile phones regarding the current exchange obligation / span margin utilization
The moment a cheque bounces all the RMS guys would receive a alert for the client.
Last Traded Time
Each LD-Rakshak Screen displays on the bottom the last trade time, Buy/Sell Trades,
Turnover and Obligation uploaded into the LD-Rakshak. If you notice the moment the
file is delivered by the respective exchanges it takes max 1-2 seconds to import
into LD-Rakshak and most importantly any report in LD-Rakshak after various calculations
is around 6-7 seconds behind. You have to set up the report for background refresh.
Option To Setup Your Own Editor For Each Fields
Option to setup user’s own editor for each fields i.e. if a particular condition
is met then the same should be shown in Red colour , if a particular condition is
met then the same should be made bold, if a particular condition is met then the
same should be made italic.
Look and Feel
User can change the look and feel according to his / her preference by selecting
any of the options given below.
Key Features Of LD RAKSHAK
LD RAKSHAK:Live Connected to Back-office Software so no Batch file import
& export is required. Data follows time to time from back-office and it is also
connected to LIVE trades. No gap for error.
As the software talk’s Live with LD Back-office the other advantage we get are:
Changes like cash-bank addition, Modification, deletions all gets effected as and
when it happened. Where in other software there is no way to do this they have to
calculate figure on the base of the Batch file they got in the morning.
Changes in Stock, i.e. some one has run Beneficiary to Pool-Client, client to Beneficiary,
Pay in-Payout hitting the data such Debit & Credit of stock are not reflected
in other software but YES in our LD RK it pickup such information on a real time
There can be collaterals stock movement or stock value is moving up or down happing
after the batch file is upload in other RMS software which are computed manually.But
here in our RK this is also computed on the real time base.
Bank Reconciliation: any amount clear after the batch upload in other RMS software
has to maintain manually. But in LD RK such credit are automatically allocated to
All the above details helps the Broker to give more exposure to his customers !!
Now this is what we say is LIVE and REAL time risk monitoring software !!
**Get real and change your working to change your life !!! **